White Jansport Backpack

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I've seen a lot of backpacks in my lifetime; my friends paraded their stylish (and rather pricey) backpacks every year throughout my school and college years.

Despite the temptation, my backpack of choice has always been my white JanSport backpack that has been with me since my junior year in high school. When it comes to the things that I buy, I pick practicality over trendy items.

Most JanSport backpacks offer easy access to commonly use item, hence the varying compartments in the bag. The main compartment of my white JanSport backpack for instance, zipper-down halfway down the bag for bigger items.

There are also smaller partitions for me to put my phone, mp3 and water bottle. These common features can also be found in other similar products such as pink JanSport backpack.

While it was originally bought to lug around my text books in high school, I was able to make my white JanSport backpack grow with me. Sure it stills carry Calculus text books while I was in college, but I swapped my after school track shoes for the snacks I need to munch on in the college's library while studying.
When I started my first job, I brought my trusty white JanSport backpack to carry my laptop with me. It does not have the extra padding that is required to carry a laptop so I bought a laptop sleeve that was on sale.
Caring for it is also easy. Whenever the backpack gets stained or shabby, I just toss it into the washing machine and put it out to try. Surprising enough, despite the long years of use, it will always turn out good. My brother, who is also a pro JanSport user, suggested applying a layer of water repellent for extra protection.
What I like most about my JanSport backpack, other than its durability and value for money, is that I could personalize it in whichever way that I want. From putting on button badges to sewing shirt buttons in a floral pattern on my JanSport school bags, I've redecorated my backpack so many times that my friends think that I buy a new one each time I change the backpack's accessories.

With a little imagination, you too can do the same; if you can't, you can always find someone who's willing to do the work for you at a price. It's better than paying a bomb for trendy backpacks that go out of trend every year or so, no?

These days, JanSport big student backpacks aren't just the simple day pack; they've evolved throughout the years to suit different purposes for different people. From simple backpacks such as my white JanSport backpack to a more complicated camping backpack like the JanSport body wrap and JanSport rolling backpack, JanSport products place value for your money.

Starting around $25, you can definitely find a JanSport that meets your budget and suits your need and style.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ash_Tan 


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